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Maintenance projects

Repainting the dormers (2024)
What: the repainting of the dormers in the high roofs of the monument
Contractor: Boelee Schildersbedrijf
May 2024
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
All the dormers in the high roofing of the Pieterskerk Leiden have been repainted by Boelee Schildersbedrijf, both on the inside and outside. Because of this these hard to reach places will be well protected in all weather conditions for the coming time.
Restoration of the steps to the northern ambulatory (2024)
What: restoration work on the steps to the northern ambulatory
Contractor: Bambam Steenhouwers B.V.
March 2024
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
There is a small difference in height between the transept and the ambulatory. That is why a small stair of two steps leads to the ambulatory. On the northern side a number of dents and damages were visible, some decades or possibly even centuries old. When a new scratch was found, the decision was taken to have all the existing dents and damages restored by the specialized stonemasons of Bambam.

Restoration of the pulpit stairway (2024)
What: restoration work on the pulpit stairway
Performed by: the caretaker of the Pieterskerk Leiden
February 2024
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The lowest step of the stairway to the pulpit in the nave had to be restored, to repair regular wear and tear caused by use. The 16th century pulpit is still used, for example during the 3 October memorial services in the Pieterskerk Leiden. The restoration work was performed by the caretaker, who is a specialized carpenter.
Maintenance and inspection of the stained glass (2023)
What: a complete inspection of all the stained glass in the Pieterskerk Leiden
Contractor: Woodsmontage
October and November 2023
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
A specialized glazier of Woodsmontage has inspected all the stained glass inside the monument and restored it where necessary. It was a routine inspection, which serves to trace and restore small defects. All the windows have been inspected: the large windows in the outer aisles, the transept, high up in the choir and nave, as well as in the staircases.

Heritage preservation inspection (2023)
What: annual inspection by provincial heritage preservation experts
Contractor: Monumentenwacht Zuid-Holland
November 2023
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
Every year the Monumentenwacht Zuid-Holland (the provincial organization for heritage preservation expertise) perform a two-day inspection tour of the Pieterskerk Leiden and all its annexes. They check the condition of the buildings, report points of interest and give advice about follow-up steps. There is always someone from the Pieterskerk Leiden who joins the inspection tour – a unique level of dedication – to get a full understanding of their findings.
Maintenance of the grand piano (2023)
What: small maintenance on the grand piano inside the monument
Contractor: Andriessen piano & vleugel
November 2023
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The specialized restorers of Andriessen have performed minor maintenance on the grand piano in the Pieterskerk Leiden. The grand piano is located in the baptistry and is sometimes used during special activities. The maintenance work was mainly focused on the legs of the piano, which needed some upkeep. They now look brand new again.

Maintenance on the stonework in the exterior (2022)
What: maintenance on the stonework and masonry in the exterior walls
Contractor: Bambam Steenhouwers
November 2022
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
In this restoration project several areas in the exterior walls have been restored and maintained by the specialist masons of Bambam Steenhouwers. This was necessary due to natural weathering processes. In several places the jointing in the natural stonework and masonry has been renewed and some new natural stone parts have been placed as well, for example at the southern portal.
Painting the wood in the exterior (2022)
What: painting the wooden doors and hatches in the exterior
Contractor: Van Muiden Leiden BV
November 2022
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
In November 2022 the painters of Van Muiden repainted the doors and hatches in the exterior of the monument, predominantly at the western wall. This important preventative maintenance helps prevent dry rot and other weathering.

Restoration of the tombstone of Susanna van Etten (2022)
What: fixing an element of the decoration on the tombstone
Contractor: Bambam Steenhouwers
November 2022
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
A small part of the figurative decoration on the tombstone was cracked at a vulnerable segment of the stone. This was a brittle part of the stone, that was nonetheless selected in the quarry centuries ago. To prevent further damage it has been expertly affixed by a specialist mason of Bambam Steenhouwers.
Painting the vaulting (2022)
What: painting the vaulting of the monument
Performed by: the caretaker of the Pieterskerk Leiden
September 2022
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
In several places the white ceiling of the vaulting has been repainted. These places can only be reached with a hydraulic lift, so the execution is dependent on good planning. Visually it is of great importance, since the vaulting is an iconic part of the interior.

Garden maintenance – Pruning trees (2022)
What: trimming the trees in the gardens surrounding the monument
Contractor: Hoveniersbedrijf Betgen
May 2022
Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The gardens surrounding the Pieterskerk Leiden contain a significant number of large, impressive trees. To keep the gardens and their immediate surroundings safe and manageable, these trees have to be trimmed periodically. Otherwise the trees simply become too large for their surroundings. They were trimmed by Hoveniersbedrijf Betgen in May of 2022.

Painting doors and wooden enclosure of the choir (2021)
What: painting the monumental doors and the wooden enclosure of the choir | Contractor: Van Muiden Glas- en Schilderwerken | Mei 2021 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The monumental wooden doors of the Pieterskerk Leiden, at the three main entrances on the north-, south- and westside of the building, have been coated with a new layer of protective red paint. Inside the monument the wooden enclosure of the choir has been repainted. Aside from the original gentlemens’ bench, this enclosure consists mostly of modern additions. With the new layer of point these elements are protected for the coming years.

Restoring the jointing in the natural stone floor (2021)
What: restoring the jointing in the natural stone floor (2021) | Contractor: Bambam Steenhouwers | February 2021 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
Over the course of a couple of years small damages occur in the jointing of the natural stone floor in the areas that are most used and walked on. To keep the jointing in the natural stone floor of the Pieterskerk Leiden in an optimal condition, the small damages are restored periodically.

Restoring cast iron tealight candle racks (2020)
What: restoring cast iron tealight candle racks | Contractor: Smederij Van der Vegt | July 2020 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The tealight candle racks in the Pieterskerk Leiden are large cast iron frames, measuring about 3 metres high. They are used to create an intimate feel to the monument during concerts and events. The result is a wonderful, almost enchanting sight.
The smith has restored the frames by fixing the damaged parts in the welding and delivered several replacement footpieces for the frames.

Waxing the natural stone floor (2020)
What: adding a protective layer of beeswax on the natural stone floor | Contractor: Rojan Diensten V.O.F. | March 2020 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
Each spring the natural stone floor inside the monument is coated in beeswax in its entirety. This protective coating prevents any surface damage for a year and protects the stones against liquids. The beexwax permeates the stone, which gives the application of it a long lasting effect. Additionally it brings a beautiful shine to the stones.

Cleaning the high and low vaulting (2020)
What: clearing all dust from the high and low vaulting under the roofs | Contractor: Hein Facility | January 2020 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The high and low vaultings are located beneath the enormous roofs of the Pieterskerk Leiden. As measure of preventative maintenance these vaultings have been vacuumed entirely, a job that took two months to complete.
Removing the layers of dust periodically is necessary because it increases the risk of the nestling of harmful insects. And even more importantly: it can become a fire hazard.

Cleaning the guild boards, epitaphs, pulpits and portals (2020)
What: clearing the dust on the guild boards, epitaphs, pulpits and portals | Performed by: the caretaker of the Pieterskerk Leiden | February 2020 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
In the course of every year a small layer of dust and cobwebs unavoidably collects on the many objects inside the monument. That is why all historical objects are cleared of dust and cobwebs periodically.

Preventive inspection for woodworm (2020)
What: preventive round of inspection to check for possible woodworm activity | Contractor: Van Lierop BV | January 2020 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
In the start of 2020 Van Lierop BV made a complete inspection round of all the woodwork beneath the roofs of the Pieterskerk Leiden. This wood is vulnerable to several types of harmful insects. As it is a crucial part of the supporting structure of the monument preventative maintenance is a high priority.

Installing digital cylinder locks on the external doors (2019)
What: the installation of digital cylinder locks | Performed by: the caretaker of the Pieterskerk Leiden | May-June 2019 | Maintenance budget of the Pieterskerk Leiden
Many of the locks on the doors of the Pieterskerk Leiden have digital cylinder locks. It requires precision work that has been carried out by one of the caretakers of the Pieterskerk Leiden.
An important advantage of digital cylinder locks is the fact that the access to each door can be allocated via a computer program. That is crucial for the security of the monument. Oh and yes, it also takes away the need for packed keychains…

Installing wifi access points in the monument (2019)
What: the installation of wifi receivers | Suppliers: Flowsound Audio rental & staging systems and Analyst ICT | March 2019 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
To increase the availability of wifi inside the monument wifi receivers have been installed.
In total five receivers were installed: four in the nave of the church and one in the choir. The distribution has been set up to ensure an optimal signal coverage.

Renewing boilers and control systems (2019)
What: renewing the boilers and heating control systems | Contractor: Bosman Van Zaal and De Vos Elektro & Energie Techniek | January 2019 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
At the start of 2019 the old boilers for the offices were at the end of their lifespan and had to be replaced. Additionally, the outdated control system (thermostat) was replaced by a digital version. By digitally monitoring not only the inside and outside temperatures, but also the humidity, valuable information can be gathered which will be useful for future restorations.

Restoring the locking mechanism at the Western entrance (2019)
What: welding a broken metal grip and securing the latch | Contractor: Smederij Van der Vegt | January 2019 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The Western portal is one of the three main entrances. The portal is still used regularly. The broken grip on an original metal doorslide was welded on again. Furthermore, a loosened pin on the doorlatch of the original interior doors was fixed.
An improvement was also applied here by adjusting the appearance of the metal pin to the original character of the doorway. The pin was coated black and a round handle was attached.

Maintenance of the lightning security installation (2018)
What: restoring the grounding for the lightning security installation | Contractor: Mulhuyzen Bliksembeveiliging BV | December 2018 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The grounding of the lightning security installation, in the gardens surrounding the monument, had to be restored at the end of 2018. Through a combination of regular maintenance works and natural erosion the height of the surface level can become uneven, which can cause the grounding to be separated from the surface level. To correct this effect the earth electrodes have been lengthened in the places where this had become necessary.

Restoration of a wall anchor at the guild board of the shoemakers (2018)
What: the restoration of a wall anchor on the lower right of the guild board | Contractor: Smederij Van der Vegt | December 2018 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The lead at one of the four wall anchors that support the guild board of the shoemakers guild had started to show some damages over the course of time. The board is placed against a pillar in the crossing of the monument and dates back to 1581. In order to restore the minor damages the smith first propped up the wooden guild board to fix it in place and subsequently removed the damaged lead around the wall anchor. After that the wall anchor was readjusted using a specific glue and was covered by a new layer of cold worked lead.

New ring-grip northern portal (2018)
What: reproducing a new ring-grip for the northern portal after the original model | Contractor: Smederij Van der Vegt | November 2018 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The outside of the northern portal lacked one ring-grip, which meant that one of the main historical entrances was esthetically and practically compromised. In the fall the grip on the southern portal was used to make a mould for the new piece. The new grip shows the craftsmanship of the blacksmith.

Lead-roofing (2018)
What: the restoration of the leadworks on the roofs | Contractor: Jobse Loodgieters, leidekkers en koperslagers | September 2018 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The roofing has been thoroughly restored in 2018, at the end of summer. The specialized and certified restoration-roofers of Jobse BV were contracted to renew parts of it. Concurrently, several damaged slates were replaced.

Exposition in the baptistry renewed (2018)
What: installing lightboxes for the exposition | Contractor: Matrix Frame BV | July 2018 | Sponsor: Rabobank Wensenfonds
New lightboxes have made the panels of the Pilgrims-exposition visible during the late hours and dark winter days. This improvement was made possible thanks to a generous grant by the Rabobank Wensenfonds, which was awarded at the beginning of the year. The installation was carried out by Matrix Frame BV.

Repair of a gravestone (2018)
What: repair of one of the stones in the monumental church floor | Contractor: Slotboom Steenhouwers BV | July 2018 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
One of the gravestones in the monumental floor of the Pieterskerk Leiden has been preventively restored during the summer of 2018, by a specialist of Slotboom Steenhouwers. This company had also worked on the thorough restoration of the floor, during the restoration of the Pieterskerk Leiden between 2001 and 2010.

Painting of the exterior (2018)
What: painting the exterior and the lucarnes on the roof | Contractor: Boelee & Langerak Schilders | Autumn 2017 – Spring 2018 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
In the fall of 2017 and the spring of 2018 the painters of Boelee & Langerak Schilders from Leiden have painted the exterior of the monument, like the window frames, the doors and the dormer windows. This protects the wood in the structures from the elements.

Restoration of ornamental iron fences (2017-2018)
What: restoration of ornamental iron fences | Restorer: Smederij Van der Vegt | October 2017 – January 2018 | Sponsor: Friends of the Pieterskerk Foundation
The ornamental iron fences have been restored by a certified restoration-blacksmith. It concerns the fences around the monuments of Luzac, Boerhaave, Van der Palm and Van Kerckhoven. Fragments of these fences that were stored have been replaced into the original structure, in order to ensure the use of as much original material as possible.

Storage in the gardens (2017-2018)
What: Storage in the gardens on the south side | Contractor: Burgy Bouwbedrijf BV | July-September 2017 | Sponsors: Fonds 1818, the Order of St. Peter, Friends of the Pieterskerk Foundation
In the garden a new storage facility has been built, which serves multiple purposes.
The storage is used, for example, by the volunteers of the Pieterskerk Leiden who maintain the garden, who store their equipment here. Thanks to the new storage, the monument itself can be spared when temporary storage of materials is required.

Replacement of the sound system (2017)
What: installation of Meyer Sound sound system | Contractor: Audio Electronics Mattijsen BV | March 2017 | Sponsors: Fonds 1818, Universiteit Leiden, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds – Afdeling Zuid-Holland, Friends of the Pieterskerk Foundation, the Order of St. Peter
The old sound system had been in use since 1988 and had started to show shortfalls which increasingly hindered the activities in the Pieterskerk Leiden. In this project there was cooperation with Audio Electronics Mattijsen BV and the high quality American brand Meyer Sound, who have a wealth of experience with the installation of sound systems in monumental buildings. Flowsound, the technical partners of the Pieterskerk Leiden, helped with the installation of the new sound system.

Placing two tombstones (2017)
What: placing two tombstones against the northern wall | Contractor: Bambam Steenhouwers | January 2017 | Sponsor: Friends of the Pieterskerk Foundation
These two tombstones from Leiden were rediscovered in 1935 in the cellar of the now demolished buildings on Vismarkt 9-10. Originally they came from the Pieterskerk Leiden and date back to 1100-1300. These are the oldest remaining tombstones from the Pieterskerk Leiden; they give a rare insight into the appearance of the churchfloor during the oldest phases of construction. The left tombstone, with the inscription, was reused in 1592 to serve as the tombstone for the grave of a daughter of the Leiden cloth merchant Claes Jacobsz van Berckel. The right tombstone, with the mark of the creator, was most likely also reused. The tombstones are on loan from Museum De Lakenhal.

Bell stand of the Bonaventura (2016)
What: the construction of a new bell stand for the Bonaventura | Creator: Bram Siera, caretaker of the Pieterskerk Leiden | April 2016 | Sponsors: SCOL (Stichting Confessioneel Onderwijs Leiden), Friends of the Pieterskerk Foundation, the Order of St. Peter
The Bonaventura-bell from 1490 had stood in the Pieterskerk Leiden on a wooden tripod for the last three decades. Thanks to this new bell stand, the bell can once again be hung in the original manner. Although the construction is new, the caretaker and restoration-carpenter Bram Siera used old techniques to create the connecting parts in the bell stand and made use of specially selected, historical oak beams.

Restoration of the Van Hagerbeer organ (2015-2017)
What: cleaning, intonation and treatment of lead-corrosion | Restorer: Verschueren Orgelbouw BV | 1st phase: July & August 2015 | 2nd phase: August 2016, October & December 2016 | 3rd phase: June & July 2017 | Sponsors: Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, M.A.O.C. Gravin van Bylandt Stichting, Stichting dr. Hendrik Muller’s Vaderlandsch Fonds, Stichting tot Behoud van het Nederlandse Orgel, Stichting Orgelfonds Mooy, Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde Balije van Utrecht, Friends of the Pieterskerk Foundation and the Order of St. Peter
In three phases of restoration the lead-corrosion was addressed, that was mainly found in the 17th century pipes of the organ. The upper pipes and small pedal have also been restored, cleaned and tuned. Other parts of the organ were also cleaned, restored and tuned, including the manual.

Cleaning the epitaph of Thomas Erpenius (2015)
What: Cleaning copperplate | Restorer: Van IJken Metaalrestauratie | September 2015 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The surface of the copper plate has turned green over the centuries. It is not clear what the surface of the copper would have looked like originally. Possibly it had a high gloss finish. It has now been restored in a way which has created a calm, matte finish. In this way less light is reflected from the surface, improving the visibility of the unique engravings from below.

Restoring the southern garden (2014 & 2015)
What: the redesign of the southern garden | Contractor: Bambam Steenhouwers | 2014-2015 | Sponsors: Van der Mandele Stichting, Friends of the Pieterskerk Foundation, the Order of St. Peter
Around the Pieterskerk Leiden lies a city garden of considerable size. Originally little houses stood here, built up against the side of the monument. These homes were so badly damaged after the explosion in the Gunpowder Disaster in 1807 that only the buildings on the eastern side of the Pieterskerk Leiden could be saved.
In the fall of 2014 three terraces and gravel pathways have been layed between the beech trees. In the spring of 2015 the garden was replanted. This city garden has been carefully designed, taking into account measures for saving water and attracting insects and bees. Volunteers of the Pieterskerk Leiden lovingly maintain the gardens.

Restoration gold-leather wallpaper (2014)
What: the restoration of the gold-leather wallpaper and the parchment in the Churchwardens Room | Restorer: Restauratie Nijhoff Asser | 2014 | Sponsors: Friends of the Pieterskerk Foundation, Jochem Meijer, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Hendrik Muller Fonds
The restoration-atelier Nijhoff Asser has restored the 18th century gold-leather wallpaper and parchment lists of the Churchwardens. These are unique elements of the Churchwardens Room, an historic room dating back to the 17th century.
In 1739 Nicolaas Blankert (†1750) supplied the gold-leather wallpaper to the churchwardens in the Pieterskerk Leiden. The pattern was specially made to fit this room. On the parchment lists are the names of all Churchwardens from 1532 until 1868.

Replacing lighting (2013 & 2014)
What: the installation of led-lighting | November-December 2013 – 2014 | Sponsors: the Order of St. Peter, Friends of the Pieterskerk Foundation, Universiteit Leiden, Fonds 1818, Prins Bernhardfonds.
All lamps in the chandeliers and in the regular lighting have been replaced by dimmable led-lighting. Each year this adds up to a saving of 10.000 KWh. That represents energy savings comparable to the energy use of three households.

Restoring the 17th century wine cellar (2013)
What: restoring the old wine cellar | Contractor: Bram Siera, caretaker of the Pieterskerk Leiden | Summer 2013 | Sponsor: The Order of St. Peter
In 2013 the small stairway to the 17th century wine cellar was rediscovered during the restoration of the gold-leather wallpaper of the Churchwardens Room. The stairs were laid open and the wine cellar has been brought back to its original function after centuries.
The title of Steward has also been restored.

Replacing the wall anchors (2013)
What: replacing two rusted wall anchors | Contractors: Smith Van de Geijn & Burgy Bouwbedrijf BV | 2013 | Maintenance budget Pieterskerk Leiden
The iron (wall)anchors in the stonework had started to rust. Because of the salt in rainwater and expansion when it freezes, the iron eventually starts to rust. Rusty iron expands greatly and pushes the stone apart due to the resulting pressure.
In 2013, following an inspection by the Monumentenwacht (Heritage Inspection) two new wall-anchors were fitted.
(picture: bouwhistorisch bureau www.moned.nl)